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Walking the plank has never been so delicious!

Cedar Bay Planked Salmon

Not to be confused with the relatively recent fad act of planking (lying face down with arms to the sides of the body, in unusual public spaces and photographing it), planking (in the culinary world) is the act of unleashing the delicious natural flavors present in wood, often cedar, using it as natures cooking sheet to broil or barbeque salmon to perfection.

Planking salmon is more than the preparation of a meal. It is equal parts art and science. To do it right, planking requires the careful blending of ingredients to achieve the perfect flavour. Quality ingredients are only part of the equation – there is also the selection and preparation of the plank itself. Wood must be carefully selected, carved, sometimes soaked or smoked and dried. The preparation process itself used to take hours for the chef…until Cedar Bay Grilling Company, a Blandford, Nova Scotia based company took it upon themselves to change salmon history. (Taste of Nova Scotia) more…

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